Scanning the QR code
To scan the QR code on the care receiver’s file, press ‘scan’. This will require access to the camera on your device – please allow any prompts asking for permission to access your camera. This will also require location services to be turned on, so we can verify you are within the area of the care receiver’s home as defined by their postcode.
Place the QR code in sight of your device’s camera.
If this is successful, you will be entered into the care receiver’s care note screen immediately.
There may be cases where this is not successful. This is most likely be due to:
- The care provider has not entered a location for this care receiver, so we could not verify that you are in the home.
- Your location services are not enabled. Please go to your phone’s settings and enable location services for your device and the openPASS application.
- You are outside the area of the care receiver’s home. This is restricted to ensure that only those with access to the home are entitled to see the care notes.
- The camera is not focussing properly. Hold the QR code in the light area of the screen and tap on the centre of the screen to focus the camera.